by David Michaels
- Published On: 2 Sep, 2021
A shocking turn of events puts Birgitte Nyborg in the Danish prime minister’s seat as her country’s first female leader in this landmark drama.
Starring:Sidse Babett Knudsen, Sidse Babett Knudsen, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Pilou Asbæk
Writers:Adam Price
Content Rating:TV-14
Available countries:Argentina , Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Colombia , Czech Republic , France , Germany , Greece , Hong Kong , Hungary , Iceland , India , Israel , Italy , Japan , Lithuania , Malaysia , Mexico , Netherlands , Philippines , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Russia, Singapore , Slovakia , South Africa, South Korea, Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , Thailand , Turkey , Ukraine , United Kingdom, United States
Subtitles:Arabic, Danish, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese,
Audio:Danish [Original], German, British English, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, French
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